Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content.Pipeline.Processors Namespace

  Platforms Name Description
CompiledEffectContent Represents a compiled Effect. 
EffectProcessor Processes a string representation to a platform-specific compiled effect. 
LocalizedFontProcessor Custom processor extends the SpriteFont build process to scan over the resource strings used by the game, automatically adding whatever characters it finds in them to the font. This makes sure the game will always have all the characters it needs, no matter what languages it is localized into, while still producing an efficient font that does not waste space on unnecessary characters. This is especially useful for languages such as Japanese and Korean, which have potentially thousands of different characters, although games typically only use a small fraction of these. Building only the characters we need is far more efficient than if we tried to include the entire CJK character region. 
MaterialProcessor Provides methods and properties for maintaining a collection of named texture references. 
PassThroughProcessor As the name implies, this processor simply passes data through as-is. 
SongContent Represents a processed Song object. 
SongProcessor A custom song processor that processes an intermediate AudioContent type. This type encapsulates the source audio content, producing a Song type that can be used in the game. 
SoundEffectContent Represents a processed sound effect. 
SoundEffectProcessor A sound effect processor that processes an intermediate AudioContent type. This type encapsulates the source audio content, producing a SoundEffect type that can be used in the game. 
VertexBufferContent Provides methods and properties for managing a design-time vertex buffer that holds packed vertex data. 
VertexDeclarationContent Provides methods and properties for maintaining the vertex declaration data of a VertexContent. 
  Platforms Name Description
EffectProcessorDebugMode Specifies how debugging of effects is to be supported in PIX. 
MaterialProcessorDefaultEffect Specifies the default effect type. 
TextureProcessorOutputFormat Specifies the target output (of type SurfaceFormat) of the texture processor. Used by TextureProcessor.TextureFormat. 
Supported in:

 Windows DirectX Desktop
 Linux Desktop