PvrtcRgb2BitmapContent Class (Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content.Pipeline.Graphics)

Namespace: Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content.Pipeline.Graphics
Assembly: MonoGame.Framework.Content.Pipeline (MonoGame.Framework.Content.Pipeline.dll
  • C#
  • VB
  • F#
public class PvrtcRgb2BitmapContent : PvrtcBitmapContent

Syntax for VB is not yet implemented.

Syntax for F# is not yet implemented.

The PvrtcRgb2BitmapContent type exposes the following members.

  Platforms Name Description
PvrtcRgb2BitmapContent Creates an instance of PvrtcRgb2BitmapContent with the specified width and height. 
  Platforms Name Description
Height Gets or sets the height of the bitmap, in pixels. (Inherited from BitmapContent.)
Identity Gets or sets the identity of the content item. (Inherited from ContentItem.)
Name Gets or sets the name of the content item. (Inherited from ContentItem.)
OpaqueData Gets the opaque data of the content item. (Inherited from ContentItem.)
Width Gets or sets the width of the bitmap, in pixels. (Inherited from BitmapContent.)
  Platforms Name Description
Copy(BitmapContent, BitmapContent) Copies one bitmap into another. The destination bitmap can be in any format and size. If the destination is larger or smaller, the source bitmap is scaled accordingly. (Inherited from BitmapContent.)
Copy(BitmapContent, Rectangle, BitmapContent, Rectangle) Copies one bitmap into another. The destination bitmap can be in any format and size. If the destination is larger or smaller, the source bitmap is scaled accordingly. (Inherited from BitmapContent.)
GetPixelData Reads encoded bitmap content. (Inherited from PvrtcBitmapContent.)
SetPixelData Writes encoded bitmap content. (Inherited from PvrtcBitmapContent.)
ToString Returns a string description of the bitmap. (Overrides BitmapContent.ToString().)
TryCopyFrom Attempts to copy a region from a specified bitmap. (Inherited from PvrtcBitmapContent.)
TryCopyTo Attempts to copy a region of the specified bitmap onto another. (Inherited from PvrtcBitmapContent.)
TryGetFormat Gets the corresponding GPU texture format for the specified bitmap type. (Overrides BitmapContent.TryGetFormat().)
ValidateCopyArguments Validates the arguments to the Copy function. (Inherited from BitmapContent.)
Supported in:

 Windows DirectX Desktop
 Linux Desktop