OpaqueDataDictionary Class (Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content.Pipeline)


Namespace: Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content.Pipeline
Assembly: MonoGame.Framework.Content.Pipeline (MonoGame.Framework.Content.Pipeline.dll
  • C#
  • VB
  • F#
public sealed class OpaqueDataDictionary : NamedValueDictionary<T>

Syntax for VB is not yet implemented.

Syntax for F# is not yet implemented.

The OpaqueDataDictionary type exposes the following members.

  Platforms Name Description
OpaqueDataDictionary Initializes an instance of NamedValueDictionary. 
  Platforms Name Description
Count Gets the number of items in the dictionary. (Inherited from NamedValueDictionary<T>.)
DefaultSerializerType Specifies the type hint for the intermediate serializer. Values of this type do not store an explicit type attribute in the related XML source. (Inherited from NamedValueDictionary<T>.)
Item Gets or sets the specified item. (Inherited from NamedValueDictionary<T>.)
Keys Gets all keys contained in the dictionary. (Inherited from NamedValueDictionary<T>.)
Values Gets all values contained in the dictionary. (Inherited from NamedValueDictionary<T>.)
  Platforms Name Description
Add Adds the specified key and value to the dictionary. (Inherited from NamedValueDictionary<T>.)
AddItem Adds an element to the dictionary. (Inherited from NamedValueDictionary<T>.)
Clear Removes all keys and values from the dictionary. (Inherited from NamedValueDictionary<T>.)
ClearItems Removes all elements from the dictionary. (Inherited from NamedValueDictionary<T>.)
ContainsKey Determines whether the specified key is present in the dictionary. (Inherited from NamedValueDictionary<T>.)
GetEnumerator Gets an enumerator that iterates through items in a dictionary. (Inherited from NamedValueDictionary<T>.)
GetValue<T> Get the value for the specified key 
Remove Removes the specified key and value from the dictionary. (Inherited from NamedValueDictionary<T>.)
RemoveItem Removes the specified element from the dictionary. (Inherited from NamedValueDictionary<T>.)
SetItem Modifies the value of an existing element. (Inherited from NamedValueDictionary<T>.)
TryGetValue Gets the value associated with the specified key. (Inherited from NamedValueDictionary<T>.)
Supported in:

 Windows DirectX Desktop
 Linux Desktop