AudioFormat Class (Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content.Pipeline.Audio)

Encapsulates the native audio format (WAVEFORMATEX) information of the audio content.

Namespace: Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Content.Pipeline.Audio
Assembly: MonoGame.Framework.Content.Pipeline (MonoGame.Framework.Content.Pipeline.dll
  • C#
  • VB
  • F#
public sealed class AudioFormat

Syntax for VB is not yet implemented.

Syntax for F# is not yet implemented.

The AudioFormat type exposes the following members.

  Platforms Name Description
AverageBytesPerSecond Gets the average bytes processed per second. 
BitsPerSample Gets the bit depth of the audio content. 
BlockAlign Gets the number of bytes per sample block, taking channels into consideration. For example, for 16-bit stereo audio (PCM format), the size of each sample block is 4 bytes. 
ChannelCount Gets the number of channels. 
Format Gets the format of the audio content. 
NativeWaveFormat Gets the raw byte buffer for the format. For non-PCM formats, this buffer contains important format-specific information beyond the basic format information exposed in other properties of the AudioFormat type. 
SampleRate Gets the sample rate of the audio content. 
Supported in:

 Windows DirectX Desktop
 Linux Desktop