
MonoGame Pipeline Tool Available for MacOS and Linux

MonoGame Pipeline Tool Available for MacOS and Linux

January 9, 2015 by Dean Ellis in News

It has been a long time coming, many of you have been waiting for this day and its finally here. Thanks some hard work over the christmas break the new Pipeline Tool is now working on both MacOS and Linux.

Pipeline Tool on MacOS

Pipeline Tool running on MacOS

Pipeline Tool on Linux

Pipeline Tool on Linux

The Linux installer/tar script is still being worked on but should be available in the near future.

For MacOS users you can download the Pipeline Tool installer from the downloads page. You will need to have mono installed on your system for it to work, so if you do not have mono installed head over to and download the latest release (3.10). The Pipeline Tool will be installed as a normal Mac App in /Applications/

The install includes the MGCB tool within the package so if you want to run that manually from a terminal you will need to use:

mono /Applications/

The tool will behave exactly as the one on windows does. You can use it to create a .mgcb project and compile Textures, Fonts, Audio and 3D Models as well as use Custom Content Processors.

There are a few things that current do not work on MacOS or Linux, the first is custom Effect compilation. At the time of writing the 2MGFX tool does not run on Mac or Linux because of a dependency on some DirectX tooling so for now if you want to use custom Effects you will need to compile those on Windows.

For more information on the Pipeline tool and the underlying MGCB tool checkout the documentation.

One response to “MonoGame Pipeline Tool Available for MacOS and Linux”

  1. […] The MonoGame Pipeline tool is available on Windows, OS X, and Linux. This walkthrough will run the tool on Windows, but it can be followed along on Mac and Linux as well. For information on getting the tool set up on Max or Linux, see this page. […]

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